Extracurricular Activities

At the heart of a good school is the drive to develop the whole child.  A wide range of activities are available to students of all ages and ability level.  These include: after school activities, clubs and Student Council and service learning organizations.

At the heart of a good school is the drive to develop the whole child.

After School Activities (ASA) 

Enriching after school activities are scheduled throughout the year and occur on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students sign up and attend on the given days. These allow students to explore special interests and expand holistic abilities. Among the ASAs offered are: The World of Books, Best PC Gams for Education, Chinese Calligraphy, Coloring Club, Games, Soccer, Basketball, Model United Nations, Online Chess Club, SAT Prep, Study Hall, Toast Masters' Club, etc.


Students participate in a variety of sports.  AIAN attends local competitions and regional events with other international schools through ACAMIS.  Sports activities have included Volleyball, Soccer, Ultimate Frisbee, Basketball, and Golf.



Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game.

Michael Jordan